Date of Release :

Awaiting the Guiding Light

O Imam Zaman, with love we stand,
Yearning for the day you’ll hold our hand.

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

In shadows deep, we wait with hearts aglow,
For Imam Zaman, whose light will surely show.
A beacon of hope, a guide through dark and night,
His coming heralds justice, truth, and right.

In silent prayers, we seek his presence near,
With love and longing, every day and year.
His wisdom and compassion, we await,
To heal the world, to mend our broken state.

O Imam, your arrival fills us with delight,
In your grace, our souls take flight.
With hope in our hearts, we patiently yearn,
For the day when your return we’ll discern.

In your embrace, we find solace and peace,
From tyranny’s grip, we beg for release.
With unwavering faith, we wait and adore,
Our beloved Imam, whom we truly implore.

In every sunrise and every starlit night,
Your remembrance fills our souls with light.
O Imam Zaman, with love we stand,
Yearning for the day you’ll hold our hand.

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