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I Want to Convert to Islam But…

Beware of false information. What you were told is incorrect. Islam encourages us to be kind and generous to our relatives whether they are Muslim or not. Especially, one’s parents have great rights over us. You will find lessons where you will learn more about this.

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

1- I have recently accepted Islam, do I need to change my name?

No, you don’t have to change your name unless its meaning is Islamically objectionable. The Prophet did not order everyone who accepted Islam to change their names. Since Arabic names generally have meanings, he did change names with offensive or religiously objectionable meanings.

Even if your first name does contradict Islamic principles and changing it in official documents would cause you much distress or harm, then it suffices to change it amongst family and acquaintances. If you do change your name, do not change the family name or your father’s name, even if it be an impermissible name, but just your first name. Allah says in the Quran:

{Call them (adopted sons) by (the names of) their fathers, that is more just with Allah.} (Quran 33:5)

2- I am uncircumcised male who just accepted Islam. Do I have to get circumcised?

Yes it is mandatory to get circumcised after you accept Islam. However, if you cannot afford to get it done, or fear that it will harm you, then you can delay doing it. If you decide to go ahead with this meritorious act of worship, you need not go to extremes in hurrying to get it done.
There is lots of medical evidence that circumcision has health benefits such as a decreased risk of urinary tract infections, a reduced risk of some sexually transmitted diseases in men and Protection against penile cancer. The other benefit is that it makes it easier to keep your skin and clothes clean. Make sure you find a good surgeon competent in circumcision before taking the step.

3- Do I have to say the testimony of faith (shahadah) in front of people?

No. You do not have to utter the two testimonies:

Laa ilaaha ill-Allah, Muhammad-ur-Rasool-ullah, sallAllahu alaihi wa sallam… in front of people to be considered a Muslim in the sight of God. You can say it to yourself.

What is important is that:

(i) you know the meaning of the testimony of faith

(ii) you actually utter the two testimonies verbally

(iii) your heart confirms it, you truly believe it, and intend to live by it to your best ability

At the same time, it is perfectly fine, and to your advantage, to pronounce it publicly, like in a mosque, so people know you are a Muslim.

In some countries one has to be registered as a Muslim, so, in the case of death, the person is given a Muslim burial. Also, it is good to get a letter at some point from your local Islamic center stating you are a Muslim. It may be useful when applying to go for the Hajj pilgrimage, or officially declaring a marriage in a Muslim country.

4- Why is it necessary to say the two testimonies verbally?

A testimony is literally something which is given verbally and announced, not kept in the heart. Thus the testimony of faith must be announced, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) himself would tell one who wished to accept Islam to pronounce it. Furthermore, it should be said in Arabic, as this statement is a specific prayer which is pronounced in Arabic.

5- What are the common Islamic greetings I should know for social occasions?

The most important ones are two. When you meet a fellow Muslim, the one initiating the greeting says, ‘As-Salamu ‘Alai-kum.’ The other responds, ‘Wa ‘Alai-kum us-salam.’

Also, a Muslim says, ‘Alhamdulillah,’ (All praise and thanks belong to Allah) on sneezing, and upon receiving good news or stating a pleasant state of affairs.

If one states that they will do something in the future, they should say, “In shaa-Allah (God-willing).

Also, if one praises something or someone, they should say, “Baarak-Allahu feeh (may Allah bless it), or Barak-Allahu feek (may Allah bless you),” respectively.

All these sayings have been taught by the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) of Islam.

6- I have recently accepted Islam. I felt euphoric at the time, but sometimes I wonder if Islam is bringing me closer to God?

Without a doubt Islam brings a person closer to his Creator. God loves and wants you to be a Muslim. Rest assured of that. Islam links the human being to his true Lord through the belief in the oneness of God and through various acts of worship.

Stick the course. Be patient. Allow yourself time to grow as a Muslim. Learning is important and so is making good Muslim friends. We pray to God to bless you, and to make you steadfast in holding fast to the truth. God is the One who guides to the path of truth and light.

7- Someone told me that Muslims cannot have any relationship with non-Muslims, is this true? All my family are non-Muslims and I don’t want to cut ties with my family.

Beware of false information. What you were told is incorrect. Islam encourages us to be kind and generous to our relatives whether they are Muslim or not. Especially, one’s parents have great rights over us. You will find lessons where you will learn more about this.

8- I heard that it is obligatory to attend the Jumu’ah (Friday) Prayer. What happens if my employer doesn’t give me the time off to attend?

In Shia Islam, Jumu’ah Salat is an optionally incumbent duty (wajib-e takhyeri) meaning it is obligatory but optional at the same time that if a person prays the Friday prayer, he does not have to do noon pray. However in Quran and hadith, it is recommended to pray Friday prayer.


DUA: Allah please accept this from us. You are All-Hearing and All-Knowing. You are The Most Forgiving.You are The Most Relenting and repeatedly Merciful. Allah grant us The Taufiq to read all the 5 prayers with sincerity.
(Taken from: To Be Earnest In Prayers By Amina Elahi)
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