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How to Benefit More from God’s Mercy and Compassion

God’s mercy and compassion help people grow and attain happiness in this world and the next.

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):In religious texts, there are references to moves that could help us benefit more from this compassion and mercy.

This is according to religious scholar Mohammad Ali Rezaei Esfehani, speaking at a session on social interpretation of the Quran. Following are excerpts from his remarks at the session:

God’s mercy and compassion help people grow and attain happiness in this world and the next. Some of the factors that help one attract more of this mercy and compassion include:

1- Marriage: Marriage is one of the main elements of being saved, creating compassion and achieving more in life. When people went to Infallible Imams (AS) and talked about their poverty and need, they would urge them to get married to be saved from destitute.

2- Having faith, making Hijrah (migration), and fighting on the path of God: Those who believe in God and make Hijrah and fight on the path of God attract more of God’s compassion and mercy.

3- Obeying God and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) paves the way for attracting more of God’s compassion and mercy.

4- Listening to the Quran and remaining silent when it is recited have been cited as factors that help to attract more of God’s compassion and mercy.

5- Istighfar (asking for forgiveness) is among other such factors. This has been emphasized in many verses of the Quran, such as Verse 46 of Surah An-Naml: “”


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