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Halal Products Becoming Popular in Russia

The popularity of halal products, especially halal food, is increasing in Russia.

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website)The number of restaurants and institutions active in the halal field is growing in the country and their products are very popular among not only Muslims but also others, Alaraby reported.

This rising trend in the number of halal stores and restaurants is more noticeable in Moscow.

While there were only two halal stores in the Russian capital a few years ago, the number gradually increased to reach dozens, in addition to the departments for halal products within major malls.

The Russian Council of Muftis’ Halal Center supervises quality control standards in accordance with the teachings of Islamic law and issues licensing certificates for halal products.

It also oversees the production and sale of halal products.

According to Mohammad Amin Mustafa, who heads the quality control department for halal products at an Islamic center in Moscow, the demand for halal products has been growing rapidly.

He said the market has expanded outside Russia and halal products are now exported to other CIS countries (former Soviet republics).

Mustafa noted that it is not just Muslims who are after halal products, but non-Muslim Russians also prefer to buy these products.

The demand is growing despite the rising price of halal products, he went on to say.

Meanwhile, citizens and owners of restaurants and shops selling halal products express their satisfaction with the quality of the halal foods and products, as well as their prices.

Many customers say they prefer to go to restaurants that serve halal foods because they have a better quality.

Russia is a large country with a population of around 150 million. There are around 25 million Muslims in Russia, meaning that the country has the largest Muslim population in Europe.


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