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islam is the most complete religion

Mr A. Asok After familiarizing himself with the Iranians living in India, he became acquainted with the Islamic religion and was impressed by the heavenly teachings of Shiism in his visit to Iran, and he chose the Shiite religion.

According to rahyafte ( the missionaries and converts website): An Hindi young man, who believed in Hinduism before, after saying shahada that was read by India Hamedani, Imam jameah in Karaj, he converted to the religion of Islam and Alawite Shi’ism. This Indian man, before saying shahada, got acquainted with the principles of Islam religion, namely “monotheism”, “justice”, “prophecy”, “imamate”, “resurrection” and the religion sub frames, which is the same as “prayer”, “fasting”, “khums”, “Zakat”, “Hajj”, “Jihad”, “Commit to goodness”, “Prohibition of badness”, “Tawalla” and “Tabarra”. He also heard some explanations about these from Ayatollah Hosseini Hamedani.

Mr A. Asok After familiarizing himself with the Iranians living in India, he became acquainted with the Islamic religion and was impressed by the heavenly teachings of Shiism in his visit to Iran, and he chose the Shiite religion. At this meeting, he said shahada with previous readiness and by asking some questions and getting the necessary explanations and Confessed with the truth of Shi’ism religion. About his motivation of getting Muslim he said: ‘After researching various religions, I came to the conclusion that Islam is the most complete religion among all religions.’ A. Asok added: ‘In Islam, the god is one and the one, but in Hinduism, he is in various forms and shapes.’ In this meeting, Ayatollah Hosseini Hamedani expressing that being Muslim is a heart believe and converting to Islam should be from inner part of soul. At the end of meeting, Ayatollah Hosseini Hamedani congratulated him for converting to twelve shiism Islam by gifting him One volume of the Holy Qur’an.

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