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Principles of the Shi’ite Creed

A brief and concise text about the primary principles of the Islamic beliefs to familiarize themselves and their acquaintances with them.

According to rahyafte (the missionaries and converts website):

Principles of the Shi’ite Creed

Author: Ayatullah Ibrahim Amini

Publisher: ABWA Publishing and Printing Center

Translator: Ali Reza’i

The precious legacy left behind by the Holy Prophet’s Household [ahl al-bayt] (may peace be upon them all) and their followers’ preservation of this legacy from the menace of extinction is a perfect example of an all-encompassing school [maktab], which embraces the different branches of Islamic knowledge. This school has been able to train many talented personalities by quenching them with this gushing fountain. This school has presented scholars to the Muslim ummah who, by following the Holy Prophet’s Household (‘a), have occupied the station of clarifying doubts and skepticisms brought forth by various creeds and intellectual currents both inside and outside Muslim society. Throughout the past centuries, they have presented the firmest answers and solutions to these doubts.

Principles of the Shi’ite Creed.pdf


DUA: Allah please accept this from us. You are All-Hearing and All-Knowing. You are The Most Forgiving.You are The Most Relenting and repeatedly Merciful. Allah grant us The Taufiq to read all the 5 prayers with sincerity.
(Taken from: To Be Earnest In Prayers By Amina Elahi)
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