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How to Avoid Fear of Death

Fear of death is rooted in deep feelings. Having a good understanding of them can help us cope or even avoid this fear.

According to Rahyafte(the missionaries and converts website):To cope with our fear of death, we need to first address the things that make us afraid. For example, if we are afraid because we don’t know much about death and we think it means the end of everything, then we need to learn from the Quran that death is not the end but a transition to another stage of existence. This way, we can challenge the first cause of fear of dying.

If we are afraid because we are attached to the world and we don’t want to leave behind our possessions, family and spouse, then we need to realize that God will give us other blessings (which are incomparable to the blessings of this world) when we die. Therefore, we need to live in this world without letting the love of the world take over our hearts so much that separation from it causes us pain.

Wealth is not a bad thing, but being too attached or dependent on it can be harmful. It can make us afraid of death and losing it. Instead, we should use our wealth to do good deeds and prepare for the hereafter. This will make us more willing to die and leave this world.

If we are afraid because we think death is a scary and uncertain stage, then we should realize that death is not a dark or dangerous path. It is a step towards a higher level of human development, and it is appropriate and beautiful in its own way. Death is like moving to another house and going through different stages of growth, one after another. It is a natural and necessary process.

We may fear death because we lack faith and good deeds. In that case, we should prepare ourselves like the way Quran says: “Provide well for yourselves, the best provision is piety.” (Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 197)

We may also fear death because we have done many wrongs and sins. In that case, we should ask for forgiveness and make amends, and trust that God is “the Most Merciful” and His mercy is greater than His wrath.

According to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), If we knew how great God’s grace and mercy are, we would rely on Him and never become afraid.

The root of our fear of dying is our poor performance and many mistakes, but we can overcome them with repentance, good deeds and sincere hope.


This article was derived from a book written by Quran teacher Mohsen Qaraati.


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